أغرب صور سيلفي في العالم

Oversharing: Twitter user @dreamlandawsten posts a snap of herself about to use the throne

Looking good Mister Bull: A reveler at the Pamplona Bull run captures a selfie - and risks his life - with a bull at the famous festival

Danger shot: An Iraqi gets a little too close to a burning oil inferno near Mosul

Storm chasing: This chap almost feels the wrath of Mother Nature as a huge wave lashes the shore; the perfect moment to unleash the selfie stick, or at least that's what he thought

Told you I was ill: @SkeelBen, in a bid to prove to his boss that he'd been in a car accident, offers a blood-soaked selfie from his A&E bed
Momento of war: A man poses in front of a burnt out car and motorbike in an unidentified war-zone
Hi officer, now smile: A couple ask a policeman to pose up...and he doesn't look even a tiny bit happy to oblige